Sunday, November 28, 2010

FInal Draft 2nd Version Submitted(hopefully it is the super final version)

Just submitted!
According to my supervisor, after I submit that, I can consider that as a final version without any improvement.

Apart from the content, the task that left are:
1. reference list
2. list of figures
3. double check the in text citations
4. appendices
5. prepare the soft copy of findings & final draft

Hope I can complete that just within one week.
Then, before waiting for final words from my SV, I have to edit the conference paper!
Thank god my paper had been accepted in international conference. It's Global Learn Asia Pasific 2011 which will be held in Melbourne next year (March 23 - April 1).

My first attempt submitting paper to conferences and it was accepted and it is international. Syukur alhamdullilah.
but still, need lots of preparation on that; finalizing the paper, prepare the presentations & brush up my communication skills.
Ok now i can feel the nerves

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